
I been slacking for a while right now . I don't know why , but I guess I was looking for inspiration.

When I hold the brush , and don't achieve a breath taking art , it disappoints me . Not because I don't have the talent because I know I do have it. It is because I feel I can do much better . I know I can !

So no more excuses . I will start drawing today and see where am going to end :).
I have always dreamt of making my own gallery one day , and nowadays I feel am too close :).
So I better buckle up and start !

I promised myself that am going to make a breath taking art this year !!

This year and every year a head is going to be the best in my life InshAllah.

So this is how am going to start !
First the concept . The ideas then the drawing :)
I intend to draw my dreams :D . So I guess it will be exiting since I will feel the butterflies in my stomach while am drawing it !!!.